09 December 2010

training-core | run | Seattle Multisport

not enough Time
of Day
gym – 5:15 AM
trainer – 6:00 PM
Distance run – 3.9 miles Power 1st 20 min – 320 watts
2nd 20 min – 310 watts
Time Total (run) – 30 min
Speed Overall
  Max Speed
Workout Food water
Therapy stretching – hamstrings, quads, calves, pigeon
foam roller – 5x each leg
Workout Type  
clam knee lifts 3x40 each leg
side leg lifts 3x40 each leg
back extensions 3x30
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
roman chair knee lifts 3x40
hip abductors 3x30 – 100 lb
run – treadmill, 2% incline, 8 mph (7:30 min/mile)
trainer – 2x20 at 90% of threshold, 2 min rest between intervals
Equipment Road Bike

Core felt okay, so did the run. This was my first 30 minute run since the beginning of October so hooray for me. But I gotta say, even though my knee and IT band felt fine my running fitness is in the toilet and today I noticed that for the first time. I was sucking a little air at the end of 30 minutes...

At Seattle Multisport we did what I think is (finally) a true 2x20 workout. 10 minutes of warm up with a couple of 30 second efforts and then one 20 minutes interval followed by two minutes of rest followed by another 20 minute interval; both of the 20s were at a consistent 90% of threshold power.

For the first interval I set my threshold power to 320 watts and that was kinda difficult but doable. For the second I started out at 320 and was doing okay but around 10 minutes in my mental focus totally left me and I had to drop it to 310. Not one minute after lowering my power I had to quit. I stopped pedaling and stand up and gulp some air for about 20 seconds and then got back to it. Unfortunately about four or five minutes later I had to stop pedaling and stand again. :( At least this time I did not turn the resistance down.

I was able to ramp up the effort the last 60 seconds so there was a ray of hope in the workout. But damn, that's two weeks in a row I have not been able to do a quality second 20 minute interval. Rats.

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