23 January 2011

training-trail run

6 Time
of Day
7:15 AM
Distance 10 miles Power  
Time Total – 1:25:15 Speed Overall – 8:32 min/mile
Breakfast 6:00 AM – PowerBar, water
Workout Food small bottle w/2 scoops Sustained Energy
Therapy stretching – hamstrings, calves, hip abductor
Workout Type  
Weather low to mid 40s, foggy
Course Cougar Mt
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, long sleeve active T, cap

It's Sunday so it must be time to hit the woods with the ultra crowd. In attendance today were Bill H, Justin A and Frank.

I was feeling pretty TIRED this morning... the long ride yesterday coupled with my seeming inability to get enough sleep (which is getting old if you ask me) had me a little worried honestly. Worried enough that I contemplated bagging the run today.

As we got out of our cars I looked around and it was like I had crashed a MT101 party or something. Everyone was wearing them – even the same color – except for me.

Thankfully the pace up the first climb was very sedate. But then we must have sped up because when we got to the road crossing I was absolutely sucking wind. Everyone stopped to pee here and kept on walking, then jogging and finally running again just to give myself a a little space. I think it took Bill about 1/4 mile to close the gap. Nice.

For the next several miles Bill and I were just ahead of Justin and Frank. Justin is pretty good about keeping a recovery run at a recovery pace but Bill likes to ease on the gas pretty much all the time... I just wanted to see if I cold hang so clung to Bill's heels for a while. Eventually Bill pulled away from me and Frank and Justin caught me and that's how we finished. Once or twice I did manage to reel Bill back in on a descent but even the slightest incline meant he just floated away and I was reduced to shuffling. Ouch.

As we got to the bridge (read: finish line) I glanced at my watch and was very surprised to see that I had run this loop faster than ever. I think the first time I gave this a go we clocked 1:30 or so and then I did a 1:28 and maybe a 1:27 so today was another chunk of time less. No wonder I was breathing so hard.

ASIDE – some day I will need to show up here when I am rested, am running more and see if I can go under 1:20. I bet I can.

After the usual post-run sarcasm (frequently revolving around my outfit, shoes or the amount of mud on my calves from my shoes hitting them) we parted ways and I drove away. Instantly I was starving and I was craving something savory... Hooray for QFC. I made a beeline for the parking lot and the first isle I walked down was the meat isle so I grabbed a package of Yves meatless ham and wolfed it on the spot. Sweet, sweet satisfaction. Then I drove home and ate more.

Man, that run after the Saturday ride really finished me off. I think it might be time to quit this running as hard as that is for me to do right now and focus on two wheels. I did the first Cougar loop a few weeks ago just to prove to myself that I was over my injury and to feel like I was 'back' so mission accomplished. I better focus on the bike now.

Funny how hard this will be/is... These guys are great to run with and I'm really enjoying being able to do more than one sport at a time.

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