29 March 2011

training-core | Pacific Raceways

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight 7:00 AM - 179
Body Fat 8
Breakfast 6:30 AM – cereal
Lunch 10:30 AM – 3 pieces bread w/cheese, banana, orange, almonds
1:00 PM – 3 pieces bread w/cheese, yogurt, banana, orange, tea
pre-race – gel, HEED
Dinner 7:30 PM – banana, humus sandwich, water
Workout Food water
Time of Day gym – 5:45 AM
Pacific Raceways – 6:45 PM
Workout Type race
Weather 50, wet, pretty calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3x40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 80 each leg
twisters 40 each side – 10 lb.
roman chair knee lifts 3x40
hip abductors 3x30 – 100 lb.
push-ups 20
Pacific Raceways – flats
Distance 17 miles! That's right, you heard me...
Time race – 35 min?
Equipment Road Bike
Clothing Sugoi shoe covers, bib shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, rain coat, OR Gripper gloves, cap

I went out with some friends last night to celebrate a birthday and ended up having three beers. My body is so lame I could feel it this AM.

Core was okay but everything was more difficult than the last time I did this routine... I guess skipping so many days is not advised if you want it to be easy. Here's hoping I can make the rest of the week before I take off for Cherry Blossom.

At Pacific Raceways it was wet. At least it was not cold and not too windy. I got all dressed up and then Dave and I rode about one lap to 'warm up'.

Michael P went from the gun. He sure loves to tell people he will do this and then do it. And frankly, it makes racing fun. There were several attacks and gave it one honest try as well and got away with one other rider but 1) I felt like crap and 2) a break is not going to stick with just one person (the other guy) working hard; on the flats it takes about three.

I rolled across the line for the first sprint and attacked after the second and tried to lead Dave out for the finish but my damn tires were sliding around on the last left hand corner so I had to slow down and then try to accelerate again at which point everyone else that was feeling better than me was going fast too. Rats.

I think Dave got one point at the finish. Starbucks and Keller Rohrback are in it to win it this year.

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