12 April 2011

training-core | commute | Pacific Raceways CR

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight 7:00 AM - 179
Body Fat 9
Breakfast 6:30 AM - smoothie
Lunch 1:00 PM – 3 pieces Pilot Bread with fake Turkey meat and practically fake cheese, yogurt, tea, almonds, water
2:30 PM – 6 Fig Newtons (because that is all I had)
Dinner 8:00 PM – banana
9:30 PM – 2 pieces pizza, way too much red wine, chocolate, water
Workout Food gym – water
5:00 PM – PowerBar, large bottle w/2 scoops HEED and 2 scoops Maltodextrin
race - water
Time of Day gym – 5:15 AM
race – 7:00 PM
Workout Type race
Weather 50, cloudy, dry
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3x40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 80 each leg
twisters 40 each side – 10 lb.
roman chair knee lifts 3x40
push-ups 20
hip abductors 3x30 – 100 lb.
Pacific Raceways – counter-clockwise down the escape road
Distance commute – 10 miles
race – 20 miles
Time race – 45 ish min
Equipment Road Bike
39/53, 12-25
Zipp 404 wheels
Clothing knit shoe covers, bib shorts, Craft long sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, cap

I had hoped to get in 30 minutes on the rollers last night but no dice. I find that doing nothing after a hard day is not the best unless you have two or three days to bounce back from an effort. Oh well, I went to a team meeting instead and had a beer. At least I slept better last night, Sunday night was terrible... complete with weird dreams and it took ages for me to finally nod off.

On the up side because there was so much rain Sunday and the roads were relatively free from debris it did not take too long to clean my bike. And living in the NW I am pretty used to this procedure by now. Here is what I usually do unless extensive work is required.

  • Wipe off the tires, rims and spokes.
  • If I was riding clinchers I will remove the tires from the wheels to let all the water evaporate.
  • Floss the cassette with a rag and wipe down the hubs.
  • With the wheels out of the bike I will spin the hub axles to see if they feel smooth.
  • With the wheels out of the frame I will wipe down the bike and fork making sure to clean the brake pads well as aluminum rims and road grime leave lots of gross, black residue.
  • With the wheels out of the frame and the chain off of the chainrings I will spin the cranks to see if the bearings feel smooth. Ideally you would have the cranks off and just spin the bottom bracket spindle but this is quick and dirty.
  • Put the wheels back in the frame and wipe down the chain/chainrings/derailleurs and crank arms and pedals.
  • Oil the chain and derailleur pivots.
  • Oil the brake pivots, put a drop of oil on all the housing ferrules where they enter a housing stop and where each spoke nipple meets the rim to prevent them from freezing.
  • Slip the housing out of the split stops and grease the cables. Yep, that is the biggest disadvantage of internal cable routing.
  • Wipe off the excess oil from everywhere I applied it..

If things are bad I will also grease my pedals (thank you Speedplay for making this so easy!) and pull my fork out to add grease to the bearings (thank you Dia-Compe for inventing the threadless headset!) and maybe add grease to or replace my wheel and bottom bracket bearings. Ah.. the ease of use and built-in obsolescence of cartridge bearings.

Done. Usually in less than 30 minutes.  Unless I have to grease bearings of course. And the best part is I never had to unclamp or adjust anything!

At the race we had crazy attendance! There were 71 riders in the Masters field. Nice. Representing for us were Brad K and Dave H. Keller Rohrback and Garage Racing and Starbucks had pretty full contingents as did Cucina Fresca plus old favorites like Kerry F (Wheelsport) and Matt H (Garage) and Brian G (Garage) and Chandler L (Audi) showed up. The gang's all here so to speak.

Keller Rohrback went from the gun again but I didn't care as there were plenty of teams to chase them down. On the other hand I was convinced that there would be a break tonight since there were strong riders from so many teams present. 300 m down the road a few people had bridged up to the 'break' and suddenly I got worried... had I let the move go in the first 60 seconds of the race? But we caught them on the first descent and I was able to breath easy again.

The pack was relentless tonight. Several strong riders tried to get away and some were joined by other strong riders but the pack never let up and every move was brought back in less than half a lap. Within three laps we caught the Cat 1/2/3 pack, we were storming.

Since I did not feel stellar I didn't initiate any moves but I went with plenty. I was trying to spin up the hill and it worked to some extent. The left side of the road was way better tonight as you got pinched on the right while climbing up the first part of the ascent.

With about three laps to go we got tangled in the Cat 1/2/3 field again and at first some of our field chased them and then after we finally got around them some of them kept tagging along with us. Does no one notice that each field has different color numbers...?! C'mon people.

With one lap to go I figured I should try something and at least make everyone chase. Turns out Chandler had the same idea and he took off at the top of the hill. I was in about 5th spot anticipating but when some guy from JL Velo went hard the gap did not grow and it seemed futile.

As we rounded the corner at the top of the hill Matt got to the front and pulled down the straight. I was in about 4th spot and realized that come sprint time I would be floundering so since I saw some FareStart jerseys behind me I took over the lead as we neared the descent and decided to make the sprint honest instead of just sitting around. I went hard around the corner, down the hill, up the first part but died an abrupt death at the base of the last climb. Oh well, mission accomplished.

Dave is so good at these power climbs! If you are fast you can beat him on the flats or in a short sprint but these long, preferably uphill, drag races are his bag and that is exactly what I wanted to set up. He won. I rolled across the line pretty much DFL. Another good thing about keeping the pace high is that it's safer with a field this big. The last thing I wanted was to have 70 riders plow into the hill at a moderate tempo and start touching wheels.

Brad put in some great efforts but nothing was going to stay away tonight – to my surprise. Dave got a flat about two laps in but luckily I had wheels in my van and he only needed to take a lap. Leadouts are interesting... it requires that someone totally commit AND the sprinter has to not be afraid to expend the energy to get into position. Since I know Dave will get into position I can almost initiate the leadout without needing to look back first. Almost. :)


  1. It rocks that each week more guys have jumped into the hurt locker and drilled it. More than numbers, teams are beginning to form and guys are riding hard.
