23 May 2011

commute | cardio | ride

Holy cow... I didn't turn the pedals over even once this weekend and now I feel like I'm climbing out of my skin. Funny really, when I ride too much I'm beat and when I don't get any I feel antsy. And by 'funny' I of course mean typical/normal.

Had to pick up my father from the airport last night at 10:30 so not a lot of sleep but other than that I feel fine.
I went to the gym today because I felt like I had to do something to get a little training volume... It wasn't much but helped me unwind some.

When I got home I hopped on the fixed gear again. I love this bike! Not only is it fun to ride but it maximizes your efficiency as you can't coast thus turning a 30 mile ride into the equivalent workout of a 40 mile ride. That's what I tell myself anyway. :)

My Garmin kept crapping out on my today. The display would suddenly go blank and when I would turn it back on the elapsed time would pick up where it left off but the odometer was reset to zero. And then my iPod died. Rather the headphone wire finally failed after being partially severed for quite some time. Oh well, headphones are not so expensive. All this made the last half of my ride totally technology-free which on a nice day is not so bad.

Sleep 5
Waking HR
Body Weight
Body Fat
Breakfast 6:30 AM - smoothie
Lunch 1:00 PM burrito, Stonewall's Jerquee, water
Dinner 8:00 PM – 2 pieces pizza, green salad, tea, water
Workout Food ride – large bottle w/2 scoops HEED and one tablet of nuun
Time of Day cardio – 12:00 PM
ride – 5:30 PM
Workout Type cardio – active recovery/easy
Weather low 60s, mostly sunny, calm
Course cardio – elliptical trainer, 14 resistance, 14 incline, 140-150 rpm
Distance commute – 9 miles
ride – 29 miles
Equipment commute - Town Bike
ride - Single Speed Bike
Clothing bib shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, cap

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