25 August 2011

cyclocross practice | stairs

This morning I met Jeff W, Ryan D, Nelson J, Lane S and Dean J at Woodland Park for a bit of skills practice and then 20 minutes of riding a circuit. It sure was a wakeup call for me…

To fill you in on some history, the last two years my back has not tolerated cyclocross well at all. I think I was able to do two races each year and then had to throw in the towel as I was in too much pain.

Having been more diligent about my core work I am hoping that this fall will be the year I can participate in a semi-full cross season. Here's hoping anyway.
I got there a little early and good thing too! My mount has a stutter step in it that I HATE and it took me about six laps back and forth across the grass just to get rid of it. Then everyone showed up.

And my bike handling sucks! We did this tight figure eight and I was slowing down SO much for each corner… it was kind of disheartening to tell you the truth. But riding in the dirt was also a ton of fun! Hopefully the fun factor won't wear off when folks lap me on race day. :)

After work Shelley and I hit the stairs for a quickie and I managed to squeeze in a few flights. Boy, I felt pretty tired by that time. In fact, I felt pretty tired in the morning too now that I think about it. Time to rest up for the big mountain bike race this weekend.
Waking HR
Body Weight
Body Fat
Workout Food
Time of Day cross - 7:00 AM
stairs - 6:30 PM
Workout Type
Weather low 70s, sunny, dry
Course cross - Woodland Park
stairs - Howe Street
Distance stairs - 5 flights, 20 min
Equipment Cyclocross Bike

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