03 September 2011


It seems my right foot is slowly tolerating lace-up shoes so today I tried a run.

Discovery Park to the rescue! The Loop Trail up here is pretty darn scenic and so that is where I went.

Man was it busy…! Runners, walkers, dogs, pretty much everything except for bikes and wheelchairs.

One fun thing about running on a busy route is watching other running styles - they are so varied! There are the shufflers, the bouncers, the people who's knees seem to only bend out, the people who always have some long sleeve item tied around their waist no matter what how hot it gets; it all looks so uncomfortable but they do it. And bless them for it.

I had a banana at the last minute and no it was not enough food. At least this was shortish. And I was not trying to go fast. In fact, I went pretty slow I think but it's hard for me to tell.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 7:30 AM - banana
Workout Food  
Time of Day 8:00 AM
Workout Type  
Time 47:55, not sure how far this was…
Equipment Brooks Cascadia, short sleeve active T

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