01 September 2011

walk | stairs

Holy crap…

I really messed myself up at the Capitol Forest 100 it turns out. I almost separated my right shoulder (the clavicle is sitting about 1/4" higher than it should be and the ligaments are stretched), I got some pretty massive soft-tissue damage on my left hand, I wacked the hell out the top of my right foot so bad that lacing up shoes hurts and I have a really deep bruise/knot on my right calf.

What blows me away is that I fell at mile 55 out of 100 and finished the race! Everyone is asking me if 1) I am stupid or 2) was my crash really that bad.

These are both legitimate questions for sure and my only answer is that perhaps adrenaline and endorphin kept me going on race day and also these kinds of injuries take some time to really sink in. I mean I was WAY more sore the day after and even two or three days after than I was on race day. Now I can't even put my own shirt on much less shampoo my hair with both hands.

I saw the doctor and he said there really isn't anything you can do other then rest and ibuprofen for the inflammation and ice for the swelling.

So I obediently did nothing for four days and then I couldn't stand it any longer.

Funny how not being able to do something will make you want to do it worse than ever. So I probably over-compensated a little but it felt good. I was telling Shelley that I felt pretty lame because all I could do was walk and she said, "Well why don't you go for a walk?" Genius.

So I packed light and put on some sporty clothes after work, slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and walked home. And on the way I hit the stairs.

How did it go? Okay I guess… the last three flights of stairs were tough and when I got home my right foot was even more swollen than in the morning. Shoot. This is going to be hard to deal with.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food  
Time of Day 5:00 PM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 70s, sunny, dry, calm
Course Howe Street stairs
Distance walk - 4.6 miles
stairs - 10 flights, 38 min
Equipment Brooks Defyance
Clothing shorts, sleeveless active T

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