05 November 2011

smoothie 2.0

Boy do I love smoothies… always have. But, ever since I started leaning Paleo, some (read: most) of the original ingredients are off limits.

Here then is Martin's new, revised smoothie recipe.
  • Three (sometimes four) pieces of fruit. That's right… sometimes four! Usually one or two bananas, an apple and a pear. Peaches or nectarines or kiwi are awesome substitutes when they are in season.
  • One heavy pour of Udo's Oil.
  • Some coconut milk.
  • A small handful of walnuts.
  • A small handful of almonds. Hey, Costco has both.
  • One scoop of CytoSport chocolate whey protein powder.
  • One scoop of CytoSport vanilla whey protein powder. Hey Costco has them both.
  • One ground up multi-vitamin.
  • One ground up iron supplement.
  • One ground up vitamin C tablet.
  • One ground up Glucosamine tablet.
  • One fish oil capsule (probably redundant with the Udo's Oil).
  • One vitamin D capsule.
  • Some frozen berries.
  • Water.
I have this breakfast very regularly. Is that a good thing? Perhaps not as all that fruit contains a lot of sugar. But I keep telling myself that since I'm trying this Paleo thing I'm probably getting way less sugar in my diet than most people. I mean how do four pieces of fruit and some berries compare to a can of soda? Or a candy bar?

Here you go.

20 oz. soda (because most people don't drink just 12) - 65 g

4 pieces of fruit and some berries - 80 g

Guess I was wrong. But my smoothie does have a much higher nutritional value than soda. So there.
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