08 November 2011

stairs | commute | core

Oh sleep, where art thou?

Just another night of waking up at a completely retarded (is that okay to say in this case?) hour.

On the upside I felt a LOT better doing stairs this week compared to last week. And just to clarify, 'a lot' still means really, really slow as I am trying to do it after my long weekend run. Still, that's a ray of light on a dark morning. My legs did feel much better than last week and I am actually psyched to see how good they will feel in a few weeks when I stop all this long running on the weekends.

Doing stairs with Jim K is great. He's totally game and has been my stair buddy for several years now. Good friends/workout partners are good to have. Can I get an amen?

The ride home was super fun. Since we switched to Standard time it's been getting dark at 4:30 and so I took a longer route. Seeing downtown light up and the full moon over Capitol Hill as I climbed up Pine was incredible.

Sleep 5
Waking HR  
Body Weight 7:15 AM - 181
Body Fat 6
Breakfast 7:00 AM - Smoothie 2.0
Workout Food water
Therapy 20 min of stretching
Time of Day stairs - 6:00 AM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 40s, dry, partly cloudy, calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
push-ups 20
hip abductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
stairs - Howe Street
Time stairs - 27:31
Distance stairs - 6 flights
commute - 12 miles
Equipment stairs - Brooks Defyance
commute - Town Bike
Clothing stairs - shorts, short sleeve active T, long sleeve active T
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