31 December 2011

Ballard run

Woke up early again today, why does this happen? I was totally relaxed when I went to bed and then after about five minutes my eyes are wide open. Double plus ungood.

The ride plan did not come to fruition so instead I went for a run with Justin A. It has been ages since I 1) ran on the road or 2) went for a run on the road with Justin. It was once again impressed upon me how harsh the pavement is compared to the dirt, how much I have slowed down since my last running race and how much faster Justin is. Still, mostly good times and it was great to catch up.

This route was pretty much pancake flat with the one hill. For me it was a slap in the face and half way up I had to walk. Not so bad I guess, it was a very steep trail from Golden Gardens up to the top of the hill and finished with some stairs that rival those at Howe Street.

To top off my humbling I had to stop and walk once between the top of the hill and the car. Rats.

I'm convinced this is a mental thing… my legs were tired but not dead. It seems I just have a hard time pushing myself when the going gets tough? I'm not going to overthink this but I have the same issue when riding a bike on the trainer at times. Laser-like focus has never been one of my strong suites yet I would describe myself as someone that does not quit when things get hard, rather I just take short breaks to rally my resources. :) It's all about the spin.

When I was training for running races, 7:30 pace was pretty easy and 7:00 was doable for distance. Today 7:30 was tough after about five miles.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:30 AM - Smoothie 2.0
8:00 AM - almonds
Workout Food small bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop Cytomax
Injuries Right foot ached a little, Justin said I was limping a bit…?! Lame. Pun intended.
Time of Day 9:30 AM
Workout Type endurance
Weather upper 30s, dry, partly sunny, calm
Time 1:54:55
Distance 14.6
Pace 7:37 min/mile
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing Under Armour boxer briefs, Under Armour tights, Craft short sleeve undershirt, SmartWool long sleeve shirt, wind vest, Patagonia gloves, SmartWool cap

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