16 December 2011

Cycle U CompuTrainer | core

Finally got some sleep.

Did it help? Not really, my legs were pretty tired this AM. Oh well.

We had another full house at Cycle University today for round four(?) of our CompuTrainer session. Nice.

Unfortunately we are still learning all the quirks of the system and did not get rolling until 6:25 AM. Since I had a meeting at 8 I had to cut it short and only got in 40 minutes of work. :( On the up side we are figuring stuff out and hopefully starting next week it will be smooth sailing.

I opted for a threshold setting of 310 watts today which seemed like a good choice in retrospect. Still, I had to quit pedaling for just a couple of seconds twice during this workout. And I didn't even finish it. :( I started out holding something like 19 mph, would surge to 21 during the breaks but then dip back down to sub-20 when the workload increased. Boo. I should be over 20 for sure.

We had some motivational help this AM from Dan H.


Here is how far I got (note red, vertical line). See how shaky the picture is? I was still breathing really hard when I tried to take this.


And here are my numbers; which I still have not totally figured out yet. Like 'Recreational'…? I'm so sure. :)

Gender: Male
Athlete Type: Recreationa
Date of Birth: 0/0/1900
Weigh-in: 180
Track Position: 5
Finish Time: 00:00.00 Seconds
Anaerobic Threshold: 310
Average Speed: 13.77 MPH
Peak Speed: 23.42 MPH
Average Power: 182.52 Watts
Peak Power: 401.00 Watts
Average Pulse Power: 0
Average Watts/Kg: 2
Rolling Resistance after 5 Minute Warmup: 2.15 Pounds
Average HR: 0 BPM
Peak HR: 0 BPM
Average RPM: 0.0
Peak RPM: 0.0
Average PP: 0.0
Peak PP: 0.0
Average WPKG: 2.2
Peak WPKG: 4.9
Average SS: 0.0
Calories: 627.9

At the IMA some yahoo sat down on the hip abductor machine just as I was stepping up to it. Not wanting to get kicked out for starting a brawl I took the high road. All the way to the locker room and then the sauna. 'Cuz that's how I roll, all PC and shit.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight 12:00 PM - 181
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:00 AM - apple sauce, protein powder, orange
5:30 AM - gel
Workout Food trainer - 1/2 large bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 2 scoops HEED
Injuries My right foot is still bothering me! It just nags and nags and will not get significantly better.
Therapy sauna - 10 min
Time of Day trainer - 6:00 AM
Workout Type intervals
Course trainer - 4 x 8 min at roughly 905 of threshold
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
twisters 50 each side - 12 lb.
push-ups 21
Time trainer - 40 min
Distance trainer - 13.8 miles
Equipment Single Speed Bike

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