04 December 2011

snowshoe | fixed gear ride

What a great day! The sun was out, it wasn't windy and there was plenty of snow in the mountains and none in the city.

So logically Shelley and I had to play in the snow and then I had to go for a ride. Done.



We didn't get to the trailhead until almost 9:30 but I guess it's early enough in the season that the masses have not yet started showing up and parking was not a problem. Good times.

Today was just a short walk but there will be more.

Here are all the pictures.

After a quick snack I headed out on my Single Speed Bike. Having not ridden much lately and wanting to accelerate my ramp-up I figured this was the ticket.

Wow was I tired… or weak or something. I was crawling up all the hills but I resolved to stay seated for all of them and did do that even coming up Madrona and Union on the way home. Whew. On the upside I got a little better as I rode and whereas I had trouble maintaining 18 mph on the way out I held onto 20+ mph riding north on Rainier.

While taking a nature break at Coulon Park some other guy was washing his hands when a third guy walks in talking loudly on his cell phone. He glances around and then asks, "Is this the men's restroom?"


While on Lake WA Blvd it started to get a little darker and that was fun. I saw a bunch of kids with wheelbarrows setting out candles along the lake. Kinda like when they do that at Green Lake. Shelley and I will be there for sure.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food snowshoe - water
ride - 2 large bottles each w/3 scoops Perpetuem, 2 gels
Time of Day snowshoe - 9:30 AM
ride - 1:00 PM
Workout Type endurance
Weather snowshoe - low 30s in the shade, very comfy in the sun
ride - upper 30s, dry, partly cloudy, calm
Time snowshoe - 1:22
ride - 3:15
Distance snowshoe - 2 miles
ride - 50 miles
Equipment Single Speed Bike
Clothing ride - Sugoi shoe covers, Roubaix knickers, Roubaix leg warmers, Craft long sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, heavy long sleeve jersey, Polypropylene gloves, OR Gripper gloves, cap

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