13 January 2012

Cycle U CompuTrainer | core


Today at Cycle University I started the trainer workout at a threshold setting of 330 watts and did NOT have to back off. Goal one accomplished.

And at lunch I was again able to finish the usual amount of reps in my core routine. Nice way to cap the work week I must say.

This morning we tried a new workout - I thought it was a good one.


In case you can't make it out, that first interval is FORTY MINUTES LONG. That's a long time for people like me; especially with not much warm-up. But I did it. Thanks to Ryan D and Tony B for being there, company is king for me when riding the trainer.

That second to last hill in the first interval was killer. Much harder than the last one. It's two minutes long and all the previous 'hills' are just 60 seconds. And it's at 110% of your threshold power.

That last interval was harder than I thought. You finish the big one thinking, "Whew, the workout is over!" Wrong. I had to re-gather my focus.

When it was all said and done my right knee felt a bit sore, like I had been pushing a huge gear for ages, which I had not. It felt fine by the time I got home so all is most likely well.

Here are the numbers.

Gender: Male
Athlete Type: Recreationa
Date of Birth: 0/0/1900
Weigh-in: 200
Track Position: 6
Finish Time: 02:00.00 Seconds
Anaerobic Threshold: 330
Average Speed: 22.64 MPH
Peak Speed: 25.92 MPH
Average Power: 277.26 Watts
Peak Power: 380.00 Watts
Average Pulse Power: 0
Average Watts/Kg: 3
Rolling Resistance after 5 Minute Warmup: 2.14 Pounds
Average HR: 0 BPM
Peak HR: 0 BPM
Average RPM: 0.0
Peak RPM: 0.0
Average PP: 0.0
Peak PP: 0.0
Average WPKG: 3.1
Peak WPKG: 4.2
Average SS: 0.0
Calories: 1029.4

At lunch I got down to the IMA and did my core thing. The back extensions are still super hard, I feel like my back is just phenomenally weak (which it probably is after almost three weeks off) and I'm pretty stoked to have gotten in three days of core this week.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:00 AM - banana, water
5:30 AM - gel
Workout Food water
Time of Day trainer - 6:00 AM
core - 12:00 PM
Workout Type intervals, endurance
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
twisters 50 each side - 12 lb.
push-ups 18
hip abductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
Equipment Road Bike

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