05 January 2012

Howe Street stairs | treadmill run

Ah Howe Street… how do I love thee?

If you want a quality workout in a minimum of time, not much beats going up and down stairs for efficiency.

Having a friend there by your side is a HUGE bonus so thanks to Jim K for doing this with me year after year after year. Good times.

As has been my routine this year, I showed up a little early and got in a few warm-up walkers prior to Jim and I doing the 'real' workout. So far it has helped every time. You can see from the data below that I snuck in six walkers today and then dawdled about a bit before my workout with Jim started.

Of note is my max heart rate is only 162! At the top of a runner it feels like 190. I suppose 1) I am getting older and 2) it only takes us about one minute to get up this flight and if I really wanted to max my heart rate I would need to push it for longer.

At work I snuck in a short run at the IMA in my new running shoes!


Yes, the do look like the first gen Skechers Shape-Ups (or moon boots depending on your perspective) but I hope they will let me not only run with this darn foot injury I have but will also let it heal at the same time. Black magic? We'll see.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:00 AM - banana, water
Workout Food stairs - water
Injuries My right foot felt fine during stairs AND the treadmill run.
Time of Day stairs - 5:35 AM
run - 11:40 AM
Workout Type stairs - intervals
run - active recovery
Weather stairs - mid 40s, dry, calm
Equipment stairs - Brooks Cascadia
run - Hoka Combo XT
Clothing stairs - shorts, Craft long sleeve undershirt, long sleeve active T

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