31 January 2012

Howe Street stairs | weights

You know that record I set last week for most flights of stairs ever completed in one session? Yeah, it's been bested. Today I did 19. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Sunday I realized how run down I was after four hard days and so yesterday I took it super easy and it paid off today. I'm not sure if I have taken enough time off but that should be evident by tomorrow or Friday at the latest. Anyway, today I felt fairly good again so that was nice.

I got in my usual five warm-up walkers prior to Jim K showing up and then when he got there we got busy.

The first runner was kinda doggy but the second and third felt okay. After the third runner I realized I was subconsciously pacing myself for a long workout so not wanting to hold back too much I tried to go as fast as I could on the fourth runner and was surprised that I could significantly increase the pace and not die before reaching the top. Nice.

At lunch I pushed my luck and went to the IMA to lift weights. I did feel tired but not overly so odds are I am doing too much but I was thinking to day that this lifting thing is not going to last much longer… I'm not convinced it's helping any and it just makes me tired for other workouts. Not so good. I'm thinking this week or next week will be my last in the gym and then I will transition to doing hills on the bike for strength. Plus, I am spending very little time on the bike. :(

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:00 AM - PowerBar, water
Workout Food stairs - large bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED
weights - water
Time of Day stairs - 5:40 AM
Workout Type strength
Weather mid 40s, dry, windy
Course stairs - Howe Street
squats 10 - 45 lb.
3 x 20 - 115 lb.
lunges 3 x 20 each leg - 75 lb.
incline press 3 x 20 - 230 lb.
leg extensions 3 x 20 - 50 lb. each leg
leg curls 3 x 20 - 50 lb. each leg
push-ups 21
Time stairs - 1:28:55
Distance stairs - 19 flights (2.48 miles)
Equipment stairs - Brooks Cascadia
Clothing stairs - shorts, 2 long sleeve active Ts, short sleeve active T
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