05 February 2012

Snohomish tandem ride

Five hours of sleep last night! And I was pretty relaxed when I went to bed. Argh…

Today Shelley and I got out on our tandem for the firs time in 2012 and man was it nice.

In attendance at the start were Tony O and Marissa, Glenn E and Nancy E, Dawn and her hubby and half of another tandem couple of which the stoker was too hung over to attend.

I started the ride in knee warmers, sun glasses and by the end of the ride I had unzipped my vest and taken my gloves off. YES.

The pace today was very relaxed which was great! I was seriously worried that these guys were going to drill and then since I was pretty beat down we were going to be on a solo ride. Not so bad in itself but not when you start with a group.

We rode and chatted and chatted some more and squinted in the sun. Fabulous.

We did 'race' up the last hill (I think that last hill into Woodinville is always a race…) and I was happy that all the bikes were not so far apart. This got everyone pretty stoked and there was much talk of doing STP in one day this year on tandems. Yikes. For that to happen Shelley and I would both need to address some comfort issues on this bike, but it's kind of exciting so worth looking into.

Sleep 5
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:30 AM - 3 salmon patties, protein shake, almonds
9:30 AM - Promax bar
Workout Food some Perpetuem, some Nuun, not that much of anything really
Time of Day 10:15 AM
Workout Type fun ride
Weather 40-50, sun, dry, calm
Equipment Co-Motion Robusta tandem
Clothing knit shoe covers, knee warmers, bib shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, heavy vest, knit gloves, cap
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