11 February 2012

team ride

And by team I of course mean four of us…?! Whatever, it was a very good time. The weather cooperated, the company was super and after a bit I felt pretty good.

I met Tim F, RC R and Greg K at the most popular meeting spot for cyclists in all of Seattle and we rolled out. Just two minutes prior to our departure a bunch of guys on the team I used to ride for took off and among them were two old friends. They said they were headed the same way as us so we chased in an effort to catch them and make it a group thing. We never caught them and in retrospect they must have headed across I-90 instead of going south directly. Oh well.

Nothing like a little stiff tempo to warm you up.

Once we got to Renton the pace eased up and I was able to catch my breath. That lasted until we hit the Jones Rd climb. I went to the front in an effort to keep the pace reasonable and you know that feeling where you start a climb at a speed that seems reasonable and then suddenly it's pretty unreasonable? Yep, that happened to me. But I tried to stick it out and I think I did but right before the top Greg came around me. Nice job.

It was mostly flat to Tiger and there Tim bailed - something about having a cold - and RC and Greg rode slowly so I scooted up the road. I thought I would just ride at a moderate pace but soon I was going pretty hard. I faded a bit before the summit but it felt good to get in another effort on a climb.

As we hit May Valley RC had a cramp and opted to stay in back so it was just Greg and I rotating in the front. We stopped at the Squak Mt State Park to hit the head and as we left about 600 bikesale.com riders going the other direction. Seriously, there must have been four LARGE groups.

A couple of miles after getting off of May Valley RC cramped up again and then again - big time. We had to stop so he could get off and stretch and I felt pretty sorry for him. That has not happened to me in ages.

RC was not up for Mercer Island and Greg had already had ample miles so I did the loop solo at my own speed which was very nice.

When I finally exited the I-90 pedestrian tunnel I passed this guy (in a bikesale.com kit) who was going relatively slowly. Until I passed him that is. Suddenly he sped way up and was drilling it to each intersection where the light was invariably red and I would catch up to him riding at my leisurely pace. Then he would totally push the light, cross the street and before it changed and race to the next one. Where I would catch him again. I could not help thinking that this is exactly the kind of behavior that gives cyclists a bad name. Plus, until the last light where he got lucky and I had to stop he was not getting anywhere any quicker than I was. People are entertaining.

I dressed perfect today! I never got hot or cold - I love that. I felt okay but not spectacular but better than I thought I would. It was fun to pull at speed but I would fade towards the end of my pulls.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:15 Am - Smoothie 2.0
Workout Food 2 large bottles each w/2 scoops Perpetuem, PowerBar, 2 Perpetuem Solids, gel
Time of Day 8:30 AM
Workout Type endurance w/2 hard hills and a bit of tempo sprinkled in
Weather mid 40s
Equipment Rain Bike
Clothing Sugoi shoe covers, knee warmers, bib shorts, Craft long sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, heavy vest, OR Gripper gloves, cap

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