15 March 2012

cardio (and nerves!)

As I spend my days freaking out about my run on Saturday I realize that the stress level of an upcoming athletic event is pretty much (read: exactly) proportional to what you make it.

Honestly, I'm not so sure why I am dealing with this one so poorly. I have run a trail marathon (which is only five miles shorter), participated in La Ruta de Los Conquistadores and TransPortugal and not been this wound up. The human brain is too complicated…

Anyway, I got to the gym this morning and figured some easy cardio would be just the ticket as today is scheduled to be a 'rest' day and this would just kinda keep my legs moving. I got on the elliptical trainer and quickly realized I was just too stressed to do even that. I had to climb off after 20 minutes just because my mind was going a million miles per minute.

Oh well.

I hope to sleep well tonight (ha!) as tonight will be more important than tomorrow night, go for an easy run Friday and then do my best on Saturday. Boom. My only regret is I won't be able to watch Milan-San Remo live Saturday morning. But you can, just go here.

On the upside, there is far less gear required for running than cycling and since the forecast for Saturday is the same as it has been all week I will most likely just show up in the same thing I have been running in for the last month (I am not one of those guys that trains in layers and then races in a singlet). Shorts, an undershirt, a long sleeve shirt and gloves. Done. Perhaps I can find some solace in the simplicity of my wardrobe.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food water
Time of Day 5:45 AM
Workout Type active recovery
Course elliptical trainer - 12 incline, 12 resistance
Time 20 min
Pace My cadence started out at 140 and by the end was in the mid 160s.

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