29 March 2012

Cougar Mt trail run


I got out this morning for a run on Cougar Mt with Justin Angle and in spite of the fact that it was raining like hell I HAD A GREAT TIME. So much for quitting the running game… :)

We chatted about watches, about clothing, about how fast elite racers really are, about how to take yourself out of the game and advanced lacing techniques for when you have foot issues. Good times.

I started out breathing like crazy - which seems to be my modus operandi these days - but soon I settled in and was able to contribute to the conversation. We left out one of the hills on the usual 10-mile route and inserted a bit of a wall towards the end that we opted to walk. Justin's goal today was, "Not to do anything too hard." I was down with that.

One item of note is I was in my Brooks Cascadia shoes again and they felt fine! I am so glad my foot is healed up. I gotta say, the Hoka Combo XTs are great for comfort and they really saved my bacon when I had an injury but the traction and trail feel is not what I would ideally like. I guess ideally my feet and body would just tolerate any shoe I wanted to wear… Alas this is not the case. Still, any quibble I have with the Hokas is minor, I am VERY grateful these comfy shoes exist as it sure beats not running at all.

As usual the mileage from my GPS seems to be at least one mile short. With all the twists and turns on Cougar this is not surprising. You can see that my heart rate never got up very high, we were talking all the way to the end. It is interesting that 150 bpm feels much more strenuous on foot than it does on the bike… Just one more thing I am getting used to about running.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 6:00 AM - banana, applesauce, protein powder, walnuts, water
Workout Food bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED, gel
Time of Day 9:00 AM
Workout Type endurance
Weather upper 40s, rain
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing shorts, Patagonia long sleeve Merino shirt, Patagonia Houdini
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