25 March 2012

team ride (on a single speed)

Another excellent day had been forecast. I'm okay with that.

pulled the single speed out of the garage again! I sure like this bike.

I met Greg Kauper and RC Rogers at Caffe Umbria and since no one else showed up we took off. We had not ridden one mile when RC's chain snapped! Luckily he did not go over the bars or anything so we pulled over to asses the damage and weigh our options. Since my house was only a couple of miles away RC found a sunny spot and Greg and I rode home, got a chain tool and a spare link and headed back. The repair only took a minute and soon we were on our way. Nice.

Crossing Mercer Island we had to contend with the Mercer Island Half Marathon (it seems I am on the island every year for this event…) but we made it through in fairly short order.

Riding north through Bellevue along the water is awesome. We chatted and soaked up the views. In Kirkland I got a flat but we got that sorted in short order.

The pace was very moderate today but I was still working on the climbs which is just what I was looking for. In my experience, running leans you out and I needed to get stronger for cycling again. Climbing Juanita Drive I think I went a little fast - I was just trying to find a cadence that would not bog me down so much but it was not so social there for a few minutes. :)

In Kirkland Bellevue I removed my wind vest and I took my gloves off in Kirkland. Not too shabby.

After dropping off Greg and RC I found myself wanting just a tad more so I went up and over Dexter on the way home. The Fremont Farmers Market was in full swing, loads of people were riding on the Burke-Gilman Trail, My legs still felt good, it was an excellent day.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 7:30 AM - banana, applesauce, protein powder, walnuts
Workout Food large bottle w/3 scoops Perpetuem, large bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED, 2 Odwalla bars
Time of Day 9:00 AM
Workout Type endurance
Weather low 40s to low 50s, mostly sunny, light wind, dry
Equipment Single Speed Bike
Clothing knit shoe covers, knee warmers, bib shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, wind vest. cap, knit gloves

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