16 May 2012

(long) bike commute

This morning I turned my alarm OFF in hopes of getting some decent shut eye. It sorta worked.

It was sunny out so I wanted to ride! I also figured I would attend the Ride of Silence after work which is for a great cause. But all did not go as planned and here is what Martin learned today.
  • As fun as my Town Bike is to ride, 29 miles is a bit much and I was ready to call it quits at around 25.
  • It got kind of breezy later in the day and me in my sleeveless shirt (trying to maximize that UV exposure dontcha know) was getting cold.
  • The Ride of Silence is a great idea but lacks something in the execution. I'm not sure how a bunch of slow moving cyclists with no signage or news coverage holding up traffic will do anything to bring awareness to the issue of bicycle accidents in traffic? I had every intention of participating but then when I realized I was getting chilled and the 'ride leader' asked us all to move way over there so he could speak (which would make me even colder) I bailed and went home. Plus I was starving.

Sleep 7
Waking HR
Body Weight
Body Fat
Workout Food water
Time of Day
Workout Type fun ride
Weather upper 60s, dry, mostly sunny, some wind
Equipment Town Bike
Clothing baggy MTB shorts, sleeveless active T
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