20 May 2012

my own personal Rocket Ride

I met Gabe Templeton and Travis Dougan for a social outing today. The weather (and my legs!) were not as stellar as yesterday but hey, it was dry. For a short while anyway. Today we decided to ride the HSP Rocket Ride route - albeit at a less than Rocket Ride pace - as this loop is super scenic.

Here is an abbreviated (cuz I'm beat) summary of what transpired.

  • Riding to Log Boom Park I'm thinking, "Hey, it's pretty warm out! I could have left this vest at home."
  • I take my vest off.
  • As I sat down at the park to wait for Gabe and Travis I got sprinkled on. What…?!
  • We took off and after Norway Hill met Tony Bravetti who professed to be just as tired as I was from our MTB race yesterday but then proceeded to drill it up Hollywood Hill.
  • I get another nose bleed. WTF? This sucks.
  • As we climbed it started to sprinkle (mist?) again.
  • On the descent Tony turned off and went home. Whew.
  • In the Carnation Valley Gabe went to the front and pulled at about 25 mph for about five miles.
  • Gabe has a fancy rain bike with fancy fenders that I saw a lot of during this stretch.
  • Gabe imploded.
  • The mist becomes a light rain.
  • I put my vest back on.
  • Travis and I start dropping Gabe on every little incline.
  • My hands start getting cold.
  • We drop Gabe off, I drop Travis off and suddenly I'm faced with 15 miles of solo riding to get home. Did I mention that I'm wet, cold and filthy dirty?
  • I almost pull over to have a good cry.
  • There is some organized ride that goes from Redmond to Seattle and back on the trail and I am like a salmon swimming up stream heading home.
  • I manage to man up enough to not stop riding.
  • AS I get close to the UW it warms up about two degrees.
  • My spirits lift some and as the distance left to cover gets to be less than five miles I feel like I can do it.
  • I get home and can't unbuckle my helmet unless I use two fists to compress the buckle.
  • I clean my bike, wash my clothes, shower, eat some food and pass out.

That was what they call a 'tank emptier' for sure.

Sleep 5
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 6:00 AM - 2 bananas, apple sauce, 1 scoop protein powder, walnuts, coconut milk
Workout Food 2 large bottles each w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED, Clif Bar, Odwalla bar, 3 Perpetuem Solids
Injuries My right shoulder is a bit sore from yesterday but no biggie.
Time of Day 8:00 AM
Workout Type endurance
Weather mid 50s to lower 50s, cloudy, dry at first and then steady drizzle
Equipment Road Bike
Neuvation R28 SL wheels
39/53, 12-25
Clothing knit shoe covers,bib shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, short sleeve jersey, arm warmers, wind vest, cap

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