11 July 2012

Cougar Mt run | bike commute

In just 19 days Justin Angle is going to move to Montana. He has been trying his best to get us out on the trail together before he takes off and I was really bummed to have to miss his official 'farewell run' on this same loop later in the month but lucky for me he was headed out again today. I jumped at the opportunity.

I'm going to miss him.

In the past the 'Cougar 10' was reserved for a rest day. And who knows, for the guys I was with the pace might have been restful but not for me… First of all I have not been running that much and second of all I am not the kind of guy that can just get off the couch and throw down. I always seem to need a ramping up period to get used to the impact/speed/hills/distance of running.

In addition to Justin I was joined by Bill Huggins and Bradlaugh Robinson (who I had met for the first time last spring on a jaunt up Tiger Mt).

ASIDE - I keep saying spring when technically it's really still winter. I guess it's a Pacific Northwest thing…
We started easy enough and it was awesome to be running in just shorts and a t-shirt! In fact, it was plenty warm and I could have gone topless if I wanted. :) Soon I was wiping the sweat from my face but with no sweat band or long sleeves the movement seemed pretty ineffectual.

The pace ramped up a tiny bit once we crested the hill but not so it was really noticeable. I even led for a while so it could not have been fast. Plus, we were all talking the entire time. About three quarters of the way in we got to a longer descent and whoosh, the pace picked up quite a bit. At the end of the descent are some rollers and it was all I could do to hang on over the first couple. On the third roller I got dropped.

On the upside I only slowed down a little once I was off the back and did not have to walk and did not keel over into the bushes. Bonus. I jogged it out, managed a little spurt of speed for the last quarter mile and when I looked at my watch it said I had gone almost one minute faster than my previous best on this loop. Nice.
Here is my run.

Here is my ride home. I was tired.

Sleep 6
Waking HR
Body Weight
Body Fat
Breakfast 5:00 AM - banana, PowerBar, glass of water w/1 scoop HEED
Workout Food bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED
Injuries My left big toe seems to be rubbing my shoes with inordinate force lately… I need to figure that out or I'll have to take two days off after each long run to avoid blisters.
Time of Day run - 6:15 AM
Workout Type run - threshold
commute - active recovery
Weather run - low 60s, clear, dry
Course run - Cougar 10
Equipment run - Brooks Cascadia 6, hand-held bottle
commute - Raleigh Mojave 8.0
Clothing Brooks Infinity Short III, Patagonia Capilene 1 Silkweight Stretch T-Shirt

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