16 August 2012

bike commute

Obviously I am enamored by this route home... and in truth it is an amazing route. You go through no less than five (Fremont, Ballard, Magnolia, Belltown, Capitol Hill) unique neighborhoods, you get to see the Ballard Locks, Discovery Park, Myrtle Edwards Park, the Seattle Waterfront and then climb up through the Pike Pine Corridor. I love it.

One word: culture!

Another: diversity!

Speaking of diversity, Hempfest is coming and they have been setting up for this 'alternative' festival in Myrtle Edwards Park the last few days. Picture any stereotype you want that is associated with hemp (read: marijuana) and they all come true here this time of year. The last couple of days I have seen everything from the truly homeless person cloaked in what looked to be a rug with a hole cut in it for this guy's head to poke through to what were obviously some richie rich kids trying to rebel against their (most likely east side, white, sheltered) parents.

That's right Jeff Reed, I said 'east side'! :) Obviously I also likes me a good stereotyping. Feel free to fire back in the comments section as I'm sure I fit into at least a half dozen myself. No one is immune!
Did I mention the smell...? Oh yes, that's not hemp people are smoking, no sir. I rode through cloud after cloud of it in the park.

When I got home the other day I was talking to Shelley and expressed my disbelief that some of these people at Hempfest could hold down a job. She assured me they don't. It all makes perfect sense now.

Waking HR
Body Weight
Body Fat
Workout Food water
Time of Day
Workout Type
Equipment Raleigh Mojave 8.0
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