11 October 2012

run commute via Howe Street stairs

When I woke up I thought I'd try a slightly longer run home today and heck, why not throw in a few flights up the Howe Street stairs while I'm at it. Let's go!

Originally the plan was to do at least five flights, maybe even 10 (how quick we forget the pain) so I caught a ride in to work from Shelley. But, as the day wore on I started to get sick... You know the feeling, when the tickle in your throat turns into a real sore throat and by lunch time I was already sneezing and hating life with a headache on the horizon. What to do?

Knowing the weather this weekend was going to suck I gave it a shot anyway. I had that vaguely lightheaded feeling as I ran south but other than blowing my nose a lot and going a little slower than I wanted I did not feel as terrible as I thought I would. Until I got to the stairs that is. That's when I realized I was pretty empty.

Oh well, my intention had been to walk them anyway so I adjusted my goals to three flights and got busy. And who should I meet at the top of flight number one but an old friend Scott Gaudette. Scott was out getting in a quick run before the VP debate and was also doing three flights so we finished up together. Nice.

At the top I jogged south a bit with Scott and we chatted until he turned west and I turned east to go home. I tried to increase the pace a bit for these last couple of miles but I really was not able to. The only time I was when I was going downhill. :)

I wore my pack with a water bladder and it was fun to be able to drink but water weighs a lot! This is a route I'd like to try more often for sure.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food water
Time of Day 5:00 PM
Workout Type endurance/strength
Weather mid 50s, overcast, dry, calm
Equipment Brooks Launch, The North Face Angstrom 30
Clothing Brooks Infinity Short III, sleeveless active T, long sleeve active T
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