21 November 2012

core | Discovery Park run

We have family in town and my brother in law Michael Reiter happens to be a runner (that just logged his 5000th mile!) and so we decided to hit some local trails. And what could be more local than Discovery Park? Not much. Thank goodness for me Michael is not avers to trail running.

We ran three counter-clockwise laps of the Loop Trail and on the second lap I managed to talk Michael into going all the way down to the beach and then up the climb to the bluff. I broached the detour option again on lap three but he declined. :)

Michael is running his third (or fourth?) marathon in 2.5 weeks and is hoping to go under four hours. Go Michael!

Oh yeah, I managed to squeeze some core in before we took off. About time too.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 6:30 AM - banana, pear, handful of hazelnuts
Workout Food bottle w/1 scoop HEED and 1 tablet Nuun
Time of Day core - 5:30 AM
run - 8:45 AM
Workout Type social run
Weather mid 40s, wind, some rain, cloudy
ball leg lifts 3 x 30
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
push-ups 20
twisters 50 each side - 12 lb.
hip abductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
hip adductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
run - relatively flat, hard pack dirt with the exception of the descent to the beach (lots of steps and roots) and the climb up to the bluff (lots of steps)
Pace whatever speed Mike wanted to run
Equipment Brooks Cascadia 7, hand-held bottle
Clothing Teko organic SIN3RGI Light Minicrew, Brooks Infinity Short III, Craft long sleeve undershirt, Brooks Podium SS shirt, Polypropylene gloves

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