07 November 2012

Cougar 10 trail run | bike commute | core

Nice. I love these dry fall days. Today I got in the fitness trifecta if you will, a trail run in the morning, I rode to work and I squeezed in my core workout at lunch. And I think today is the absolute peak of the fall leaf-falling season, the colors are absolutely eye popping.

I met Todd Morse Tucker and Bryan Estes at the Red Town trailhead on Cougar Mountain at the completely ridiculous hour of 5:30 AM (experience has taught us that traffic coming home sucks if you start later...) and we had a great run.

Except for the part where I got lost. I was in front and still don't have this darn route memorized and my light is underwhelming and I missed a turn (see GPS data below). At least we figured it out quickly and got back on track. With the end of Daylight Saving Time [It isn't 'Savings' people, we're not 'savings' time, we're saving it! C'mon.] we had some light at the end of our run which was also nice.

Since the weather was so fantastic I rode in to work again. Yes.

Core at lunch was wickedly hard; especially the side plank (which I did for the fist time in ages in lieu of the ball leg lifts). As were the hip adductors - holy cow! As in they have never been that hard. Ever. What gives? It might be time to stop pretending to do core work and actually do core work; especially more than like once/week.

Waking HR  
Body Weight 12:30 PM - 180 lb.
Body Fat  
Breakfast 4:45 AM - banana, water, 1 Perpetuem Solids
Workout Food 5:15 AM - gel
run - bottle w/1 scoop HEED and 1 tablet Nuun
Time of Day run - 5:30 AM
core - 12:30 PM
Workout Type run - endurance
Weather run - mid 40s, dry, calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side w/2 x 30 sec leg lifts each leg
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
push-ups 19
twisters 50 each side - 12 lb.
hip abductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
hip adductors 3 x 20 - 100/90/80 lb.
Equipment run - Brooks Cascadia 7, hand-held bottle
commute - Raleigh Mojave 8.0
Clothing run - Brooks Infinity Short III, Patagonia Merino 1 Silkweight Crew
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