02 November 2012

treadmill run | bike commute

Okay, today was "use the treadmill at home" 2.0 and it went much better. As you might recall, the last time I ran indoors at home I activated our house alarm and woke Shelley. Not so good. This time I planned ahead by turning off our alarm before I started and I even grabbed a fan to augment the open windows. Much better.

I was hoping to go a little faster as I have entered my first Cross Country running race Sunday but it didn't really work. And really, it was to be expected. I have done exactly zero (real) speed work. As I increased the pace it got harder and harder to breath and I never was able to go as fast as I had hoped I would be able to. Oh well.

When I finished running as was cooling down with a few minutes of walking I suddenly remembered that some people use treadmills to power hike so I thought, "Hey, I'll give this a try too!" I cranked the incline up to 10% and that felt fine at 3 mph. Then I upped it to 12% and that still felt okay. Then I increased the speed to 4 mph and it was not easy.

So now I have a goal: maintain 4 mph at a 12% incline for an extended period. How long is 'extended'? I'll start with 15 minutes and see if I can work up to 30 perhaps? We'll see.

Since it was dry I hopped on my bike and rode to work. Wow... it feels like ages since I have ridden anything. I need to go for a real ride (on a real road bike) here and soon.

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food water (I drank almost an entire bottle during my 35 min workout this morning!)
Time of Day run - 6:00 AM
Workout Type run - tempo
Course run - treadmill, 1% incline
Time run - 30 min + 6 min experimenting with hills
Distance run - 4.2 miles + .2 miles
Pace run - 5 min at 7:30, 20 min at 7:00, 4 min at 6:30, 1 min at 6:00
walk - 5 min walking at 8-12% incline and 3-4 mph just to check it out
Equipment run - Brooks Launch
commute - Raleigh Mojave 8.0

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