12 May 2014

Lake WA Blvd jog | Tiger Mt MTB ride

A little active recovery run followed by a quick Tiger Mountain ride w/friends.

I finally got to check out some new trails; Fully Rigid and Joy Ride. The verdict? They are freaking fantastic! At the top you drop into Fully Rigid which is all swoopy and burmy and it flows into Joy Ride which is more of the same. Tighter and slightly more technical than most trails on Tiger but not crazy and a blast.

Man, I slept like garbage last night. Tossing and turning, night sweats, you name it. I hate that.

On my run today I had a relapse of low motivation. It's apparently hard for me to run on flat roads and/or go easy. The goals was just to get out for an easy 'spin' and it felt labored mentally. I walked twice just because my head was not in it. But it was an amazing afternoon so I tried just to enjoy the sun.

The ride was a whole different story. I was with lots of friends, all of which were not what you would call super fit and so on eh climb I was going really mellow. But we were talking, joking and I had not problem going slower. Was it because we were climbing? Because I was not alone? I need to figure this out.

And of course the descents on the ride were FUN.

Sleep 4
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food run - water
ride - large bottle w/2 scoops HEED, gel
Time of Day run - 1:20 PM
ride - 5:20 PM
Workout Type active recovery
Weather 70s, sunny, dry
Equipment run - Brooks Glycerin 11, Garmin Fenix
ride - Performance Access XCL, Garmin Edge 500
Clothing run - Fitsok CF2, Brooks Infinity Short III

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