25 May 2014

SRC Sunday Squak MT run

What felt scary at the start turned out to be good. Really good.

After yesterday morning's attempted run ['attempted' always sounds better than 'aborted'] I was so down in the dumps! But one thing I think I have figured out is that for now at least, I need to be around other people or I will work myself into a frenzy. To that end I joined the Seattle Running Club Sunday run which was on Squak Mountain today.

As we headed out my mind went back to where it had been yesterday and It took a bit of an effort to just run, listen to other people talk and to enjoy the trails. Which were in epic shape today - that helped. Four or five miles in I was doing much better and it just kept improving from there.

We hit three summits today and then took this new trail (that SRC made!) which was pretty steep, pretty rugged but also pretty beautiful. The whole way down I'm thinking, "Oh man, we have to come back up this?" But I ended up feeling pretty good on the climb and ran probably 80% which was WAY more than I thought I was going to manage. Bonus.

From there it was the usual - and very pretty - trail back to the car. I'm really glad I went on this run. For sure there was a lot of stopping and waiting (at least 30 minutes total - I waited 20 minutes at the top of that new out-and-back trail alone) but today, for me, it was very worth it. I was starting to feel like I could not run more than a couple of miles without bailing.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food 2 bottles each w/1.5 scoops HEED, Hammer Bar, PowerBar Energy Gel
Time of Day 7:30 AM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 50s, dry, calm
Equipment Brooks Cascadia 9, Garmin Fenix, UltrAspire Alpha
Clothing Injinji Run Original Weight Mini-Crew, Brooks Infinity Short III, Brooks short sleeve EZ T III

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