07 June 2014

SRC trail work party | S Dose Terrace stairs

At the end of the day I decided I would not be able to finish the Beacon Rock 50k. Shit. Add this to the list of races I have signed up for and had to bail on.

On the upside I joined the Seattle Running Club for one of their trail work parties and had a super time.


We got to use tools like this:

The trail work party was on Cougar Mountain today, we met at the Sky Country trailhead and our job was to clear brush! This meant white collar people like me got blisters on our hands. I am such a wimp/softie when it comes to manual labor.

After slaving away we were treated to a fabulous lunch. It was an awesome spread.


Here are all the pictures.

When I got home and after deciding that I was not racing tomorrow (because my right calf is still crazy tight/injured) I decided to hit the stairs. I know, I know... it sounds stupid, right? Well I was just going to walk - to see if I made the right decision about scrapping the race.

Instead of driving to my favorite set of steps (Howe Street), I opted for something close to home and went to S Dose Terrace instead. Funny how after you have been on Howe Street, nothing else even comes close. These stairs were shorter, each section was a different length, the grade was shallower, the flat sections were all different, etc., etc. I stuck it out for 30 minutes and then 1) had enough and 2) realized I was not doing my calf any favors and walked home.

Man I hate being injured. Especially when I don't know exactly what the problem is.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food trail work - water
stairs - bottle w/1.5 scoops HEED
Time of Day trail work - 9:30 AM
stairs - 4:45 PM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 70s, sunny, dry, calm
Time trail work - 3:00
stairs - 44:52 (30 min of stairs)
Distance stairs - 16 flights
Equipment Garmin Fenix

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