12 October 2014

McClellan Butte

I was looking for an easy run today but when I got the call from Herbert Sitz to go for an easy trail run up McClellan Butte instead I signed up with zero hesitation. Katelen Phelan was in as well.

This is one of those trails that ends in a scramble up a ridge and this one is pretty exciting if you have never done any rock climbing or have issues with exposure. Super fun. At the top it was pretty misty/foggy but you could still see north, east and west, just not south. Awesome.

We had no agenda or time goal so the jog from the car was nice and easy. The trail is great! Some roots and rocks (super typical NW trail) but it's very runnable. We jogged for about 2.5 miles and then when it got steep we hiked the remaining 2.5 miles to the top.

The last 200 m or so are a scramble that looks like this from the bottom.

And like this from about half way up.

It really was not big deal as you were not afraid. The closer you got to the top, the more walkable the trail become.

At the top it felt like you had really accomplished something.

We had stayed together on the way up but on the way down I went ahead and ran the whole thing. What a fun trail! There are some technical sections and a couple of scree slopes but mostly it's soft and covered with pine needles. The last two miles down to the car were a blast.

Thanks Herb and Katelen for having me along! Although not a true recovery run my legs did feel better after I finished than before I started.

Here are all the pictures and video.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 7:00 AM - 4 eggs, pulled pork, cabbage, tea
Workout Food 2 bottles each w/2 scoops Perpetuem, Hammer Bar, 2 fun size Snickers bars
Time of Day 11:15 AM
Workout Type  
Weather low to upper 50s, dry, foggy at times, calm
Equipment Altra Lone Peak 2.0, Ultimate Direction SJ Ultra Vest 2.0, Garmin Fenix 2
Clothing Injinji Run Original Weight Mini-Crew, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Brooks short sleeve EZ T III

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