16 December 2014

Howe Street stairs | Fleet Feet run | walk

Whew... solid stair day! Jim Kodjababian and I are up to 10 flights now, five more to go.

Every year when we hit 10 we mix it up and throw in a few "up downs" where we run up two sets, come back down one and repeat to the top. I like this variety and it might actually be easier as those couple of seconds rest you get between efforts really help me out.

At the Fleet Feet Sports Seattle Tuesday night run I challenged myself to finally take it easy. A friend and I have been talking training techniques and I suspect I need to do more zone 2 work and really go easy when it's an easy day. Seems I am not immune to making the classic rookie mistakes.

Of course the winter route heads up the Howe Street stairs so for a couple of minutes I was not going very easy at all. :)

Sleep 7.5
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 50
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food stairs - large bottle w/2 scoops HEED
Time of Day stairs - 5:40 AM
run - 6:00 PM
Workout Type stairs - intervals
run - endurance/zone 2
Weather stairs - upper 40s, dry, calm
run - 50, dry, calm
Equipment stairs - Brooks Transcend
run - Brooks Glycerin 12, Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp
Clothing both workouts - Fitsok CF2, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Brooks Podium LS shirt, Brooks Podium SS shirt

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