30 December 2014

Howe Street stairs | Fleet Feet run

Boom! 'Time to train' and all those tired clichés.

Take it from me, after 10 days  of almost total inactivity these stairs are HARD. Not only was I gasping for breath, my legs were freaking wobbly after just the first runner. Ouch.

Shelley needed the car this evening so for the first time ever I ran to Fleet Feet Sports Seattle for the Tuesday night run and then ran home after. In retrospect this might have been a tad ambitious as my hip did not feel stellar on the way home.

At least it felt fantastic on the way there and just fine during the actual run. Thanks to Evan Williams for giving me some company on the way home. Man was I dragging.

We started the run and right away the lead group took off. Normally I can hang for a bit until they turn it up but tonight Olin Berger was on a mission and took it out too fast for me. And then he dropped the rest of the lead group!

I was resolved to hit the Howe Street stairs and did but I was the only person besides the lead group and the last person to do so. :)

Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food stairs - large bottle w/2 scoops HEED
Time of Day stairs - 5:40 AM
run - 6:00 PM
Workout Type  
Weather stairs - upper 20s, calm, dry
run - low 30s, calm, dry
Equipment stairs - Brooks Transcend
run - Brooks Glycerin 12, Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp
Clothing run - Brooks Equilibrium CoRe Short, Under Armour tights, Craft Active Classic Long Sleeve Baselayer, Brooks Podium LS shirt, Brooks short sleeve EZ T III, SmartWool hat, Brooks Vapor Dry Glove II

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