26 January 2015

core | Tiger Mt MTB ride

I took today off from work. Sort of a belated birthday gift to myself. I know, right?

Made it to the gym in the morning and then I got a call from my friend Tony Callen who wanted to go riding. Having hung all the parts on a new 29er frame I had to scramble to get it operational but mission accomplished so I took it out for a shake-down ride.

It was WARM. Like 60 degrees warm. I brought arm warmers in the car and they stayed there. I didn't even need the undershirt I had on. It felt fantastic to be out in the sun and feel all toasty but unless we get a second winter there will be a huge water shortage this summer.

As we descended the Preston Railroad Grade Trail it was suddenly closed! Oh well, it gave us an excuse to ride Silent Swamp Trail which I had never been on. Fun!

Sleep 7.5
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 46
Body Weight 6:15 AM - 186 lb.
Body Fat  
Nutrition core - water
ride - large bottle w/3 scoops Hammer HEED
Time of Day core - 5:30 AM
ride - 12:45 PM
Workout Type  
Weather ride - 60, sunny, calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
twisters 50 each side - 15 lb.
leg extensions 100
back extensions 3 x 40
hip raisers 2 x 30 each leg
fire hydrants 60 each side
side leg lifts 80 each side
clam knee lifts 80 each side
roman chair knee lifts 50
push-ups 15/15/15
wobble disk 3 min each leg
Time core - 45 min
Equipment ride - 1x10 hardtail 29er
Clothing ride - bib shorts, baggy shorts, Craft Active Extreme Short Sleeve Baselayer, baggy jersey, gloves
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