17 February 2015

walk | Fleet Feet run

For just the second time ever I ran to the Fleet Feet Sports Seattle Tuesday night run, ran the run, and then ran home from the run. Run commuting sure is a great way to tack on the extra miles.

Make no mistake, the run to and from were s l o w but for the first time in quiet a while I pushed the pace during the run and felt pretty okay on the climb. Nice! At the start I spotted a couple of people I wanted to keep up with, they went faster than I have been going these days, end of story.

This weekend it's back to slow running. :) I just had to change it up today... I've been feeling like when my heart rate hits 140 it's really hammering and today in the mid 150s I felt controlled. Not that I could go any faster without blowing up, but still.

Sleep 7.5
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 45
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Recovery post run - 3 scoops Recoverite
Time of Day run - 5:30
Workout Type mostly endurance
Weather mid to lower 50s, dry, calm
Equipment run - Brooks Glycerin 12
Clothing run - The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks Equilibrium CoRe Short, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Craft Active Extreme Short Sleeve Baselayer, log sleeve SRC jersey

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