30 November 2011

Cougar Mt trail run | core

Yep, I'm a little sore and stiff from yesterday… but it's not too bad so hopefully I will bounce back. And by 'not too bad' I of course mean I'm practically crippled.

Core - pretty much every exercise - was insanely hard today, especially the back extensions. Not sure if I blew up my back doing squats yesterday or what.

I met Justin A, Bill H and two of their friends at Cougar for the usual loop. WE hit out and right away I am feeling a little stressed. The pace seemed just a tad quick and my legs felt like garbage. Nothing like lifting weights with your legs to make them feel fresh for a run I always say… NOT.

It was freaking dark out. This might sound obvious but it seemed especially so today. At times we ran through some light fog as well so that further obscured my vision. Add to that my condensing breath in front of my face and I was running pretty blind most of the first half of today. Plus there were times when Justin would ease up the trail and I could not keep up and then the impotence of my headlamp was highlighted. Good times. :)

Luckily half way through I started to feel better and then with about 30 minutes left it started to get light. Whew.

I was slipping and sliding all over the place today. And I was running super cautious since I could not see where I was putting my feet. It certainly was a good exercise in balance, rhythm and reaction speed.

With about 20 minutes to go one the guys we were with started to fade a bit. Bill and I would wait at each intersection for him and then continue on. Since our pace was slightly faster than his this would repeat itself several times before we got to the end but it was totally fine. I know what it feels like to get shelled and it's NO fun. In the end we finished together - yeah team spirit! If not for all the stops we might have been about four minutes faster? Whatever, no big deal.

Did I mention that my right foot did not hurt while running? Bonus. It still hurts a little while not running though. The human body is dumb.

Oh yeah, my GPS did not do such a great job of tracking this route but it's no surprise as it is very twisty turny. Still, it's cool to finally see where the hell this loop takes me.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight 181
Body Fat  
Breakfast 4:30 AM - banana, almond butter, tea
Workout Food 15 min prior to run - gel
run - small bottle w/1 tablet Nuun and 1 scoop HEED
gym - water
Time of Day run - 6:00 AM
gym - 12:00 PM
Workout Type endurance
Weather mid 40s, dry, calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
back extensions 3 x 40
clam knee lifts 100 each leg
side leg lifts 100 each leg
leg scissors 100
twisters 50 each side - 10 lb.
push-ups 18
hip abductors 3 x 30 - 100 lb.
Time 1:31:58
Distance 10 miles
Pace 9:12 min/mile
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, long sleeve active T
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