29 November 2011

stairs | weights

After missing a week because I hurt my foot running the Grand Ridge trail run it was good(?) to be back on Howe Street. Weird how two weeks can feel like a month.

I woke up way ahead of schedule and since I know how freaking hard that first runner can be I headed down to the stairs early. Warming up felt MUCH better.

At lunch I even hit the iron. Gotta remember to buy some wife beaters

I managed to sneak in six walkers before Jim showed up and that was great. The first two were rough/cold as usual but then I just kept feeling better and better. For a change the first runner was not such a leg breaker! And the second runner was better and the third even more so. Obviously those early flights - even at a walking pace - were very beneficial.

Check out this crazy workout! Especially the elevation gain!

At lunch I went to the IMA and checked out the 'free weights' room which I have honestly not been in since I was in college here at the UW.

Holy crap is it big. They remodeled the IMA several years ago and in the process blew out some walls and probably tripled the size of this space if my memory serves me. There must have been at least half a dozen squat racks and enough iron to build the new football stadium. I knew I had to take it easy on the first day but after three sets of squats and two sets of lunges I realized I was probably not taking easy enough so opted for just two sets of my remaining exercises. I think it was the right call.

I used to lift a lot back in college, even when I was racing, but then after my hiatus and starting up for the second time I realized bulk was not important for endurance activities. Fast forward to now and the last three years has seen my pure strength decline some each year so I figured I would give it a go one more time but this time just do legs and keep the reps around 20. We'll see if 1) I have the motivation to keep it up and 2) if it helps on the bike.

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food 30 min prior to stairs - gel, water
Time of Day stairs - 5:35 AM
gym - 12:00 PM
Workout Type  
Weather upper 30s, dry, calm
Course stairs - Howe Street
squat 3 x 20 - 95 lb.
lunge 2 x 20 each leg - 65 lb.
incline press 2 x 20 - 90 lb.
leg extension 2 x 30 - 30 lb. each leg
leg curl 2 x 30 - 30 lb. each leg
Time stairs - 56:38
Distance stairs - 1.51 miles, elevation gain - 1795'
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing shorts, Craft short sleeve undershirt, long sleeve active T, Polypropylene gloves
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