21 December 2011

Cycle U CompuTrainer

Slept okay. Woke up early but this allowed me to eat something prior working out.

The usual gang was all here for our CompuTrainer workout at Cycle University, and what a good crowd it was.

Dawn Patrol at Cycle University.

I decided to lower the bar just a bit today so I could achieve some success! In the past I have been dialing in a threshold power that is too high for me to maintain all the way to the end of the workout. Today I was so close to 100% success.

We did a modified 2 x 20 program (modified in that it had some short hills sprinkled through the 20 minute intervals) and about three quarters of the way into the second interval I had to stop pedaling for three seconds. Damn. It is totally in my head which almost makes it even more frustrating. I am absolutely strong/fit enough, I just can't focus and maintain the effort.

Well, there's always next year. Kidding.

I started the first interval at a threshold setting of 310 watts and it felt okay. During our break Greg K urged everyone to up the watts a bit so I dialed in 315 and then with three seconds to go before the start of the second interval dialed it up to 320.

On the up side, after I caved for those three seconds I turned up my threshold power to 330 watts with three minutes to go and then 340 watts with one minute to go.

Whew… for the cool down I dropped the threshold power back down to 320. Not that it matters much.

Gender: Male
Athlete Type: Recreationa
Date of Birth: 0/0/1900
Weigh-in: 180
Track Position: 5
Finish Time: 50:00.00 Seconds
Anaerobic Threshold: 320
Average Speed: 19.39 MPH
Peak Speed: 25.04 MPH
Average Power: 262.15 Watts
Peak Power: 381.00 Watts
Average Pulse Power: 0
Average Watts/Kg: 3
Rolling Resistance after 5 Minute Warmup: 2.22 Pounds
Average HR: 0 BPM
Peak HR: 0 BPM
Average RPM: 0.0
Peak RPM: 0.0
Average PP: 0.0
Peak PP: 0.0
Average WPKG: 3.2
Peak WPKG: 4.7
Average SS: 0.0
Calories: 857.5

Sleep 6
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 4:30 AM - apple sauce, banana, walnuts
Workout Food water
Time of Day 6:00 AM
Workout Type intervals
Course 2 x 20 with hills
Time 50 min
Distance 16.2 miles
Equipment Single Speed Bike

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