20 December 2011

stairs | weights

Yes. Today was a good day on the stairs.

I wasn't especially fast but the first runner felt surprisingly good as did the last one.

Jim K also had a super day and kept pushing me each time up and did not rest nearly as much as usual. Go, go, go!

And in the gym? Why thanks for asking… Martin did indeed have a banner workout there too.

So as not to break tradition I showed up at the Howe Street stairs at 5:40 and started walking. Warming up before running is IMPORTANT. I got up to speed pretty quick (although I did feel rather tired on that first flight) and squeezed in five flights before Jim showed up. Then we did 9.5 flights together.

The reason it was 9.5 is our last runner was 'up two down one' meaning we ran up two sections of stairs, ran down one, and then went back up for two more. Repeat until you get to the top. It's actually a really nice way to break up the monotony of this workout. And it let us finish with a walker. :)

I took lunch a little late but still managed to hit the IMA. For a date with iron. Yeah baby.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 5:30 AM - banana
Workout Food water
Injuries My right foot hurts! :( I sure hope I don't have to give up running this early.
Time of Day stirs - 5:40 AM
gym - 12:45 PM
Workout Type intervals, power
Weather 40, dry, cloudy, calm
Course stairs - Howe Street
squats 3 x 20 - 95 lb.
lunges 3 x 20 each leg - 65 lb.
incline press 3 x 20 - 180 lb.
leg extensions 3 x 20 - 40 lb. each leg
leg curls 3 x 20 - 40 lb. each leg
push-ups 22
Time 1:08:13
Distance 1.7 miles (14.5 flights)
Equipment Brooks Cascadia
Clothing shorts, Craft long sleeve undershirt, long sleeve active T, cap
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