01 March 2012

treadmill runs

I woke up hungry! So I had a snack before going to the gym in the morning; something I hardly ever do.

Then at lunch I was starving again so I ate way too much. It's one of those days…

Running felt much better in the head today than it did when I tried it Monday…! Whew. I'm still not jazzed about exercising alone in general but I got the job done today. That's worth something anyway.

It also felt better in the body. To tell the truth, I was still kinda beat up from my race when I tried to run Monday so it's that surprising I opted to bail.

Today I just started mellow and then slowly wound it up until the half hour was over. I did not have the fortitude to go longer which is why I ran twice. Plus, I can't go very fast for very long so this gave me two opportunities to go fast. :)

ASIDE - a few days ago my weight was one hundred and eight f'ing five pounds. I had been wavering between 179-181 for months and then about two weeks ago it s l o w l y started to climb. It's been going down now for three days, what a relief. It's interesting how easy you can get in the habit of having a beer with dinner or chocolate at work, etc. And also interesting how hard it is got out of the habit. From experience I know I feel the best (for cycling anyway) when I am between 175-180. More than that and it's not so good. Boy, did I just have a girl moment there? I think I did.

Sleep 5
Waking HR  
Body Weight 12:00 PM - 182
Body Fat  
Breakfast 4:15 AM - Clif Bar
Workout Food water
Therapy 12:45 PM - 10 min sauna
Time of Day AM run - 5:30 AM
PM run - 12:00 PM
Workout Type endurance
Course AM run - treadmill, 1 incline
PM run - treadmill, 1 incline
Time AM run - 30 min
PM run - 30 min
Distance AM run - 4.3 miles
PM run - 4.3 miles
Pace AM run - 5 min at 7:30, 19 min at 7:00, then gradual increase every minute until I was doing the last minute at 6:00
PM run - 5 min at 7:30, 20 min at 7:00, then gradual increase every minute until I was doing the last minute at 5:30
Equipment Hoka Combo XT

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how easy you can get in the habit of having a beer with dinner

    yes it is, what's more interesting is that you think this is somehow not normal or good.
