16 November 2014

up Mt Teneriffe, down Mt Si

This is why I get up early in the morning. Boom!

Other than my over-reaction to yesterday's freezing temperatures in terms of the clothing choice for this run today was perfect.

I got the call from Ben Luedke to join him on a run today and then would you know it, I got a call from Jon Robinson looking for someone to run with. Simple. I invited Jon on Ben's run and it was freaking awesome.

Ben's goal was to catch the sunrise. These days the sun rises around 7:15 so since this was going to be at least a 1:30 climb and since Jon and I had to drive 40 minutes to the start and since I wanted to eat something before that I had to start really early. Jon and I pulled up a little late but we got moving by about 5:30. Whew.

We ran up the Mount Teneriffe trail (not the road) which takes you past Teneriffe Falls. in the winter, and in the dark, this how the falls look.

We had to race the sun just a bit in order to make the top in time but we did it. And at the top you could see everything. EVERYTHING. I'm talking Mt Rainier, Mt Baker, Glacier Peak and My Olympus. Wow.

We soaked up the view good and proper, until our fingers were frozen in fact. Then it was time head over to Mt Si. The descent from the top of Teneriffe to the Teneriffe road is one of the most fun sections of trail I know. So I filmed. A lot.

After crossing over to the base of the haystack it was time for a quick break.

On the descent from Si we took the Talus Loop trail, something I have never done before. This takes you back to the Teneriffe road about 1.5 miles from the car. Nice.

Here are all the pictures and video.

Sleep 5
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Breakfast 4:15 AM - Hammer Bar, 4 Perpetuem Solids, tea
Workout Food 2 bottles each w/2 scoops Perpetuem, sample size Clif Bar
Time of Day 5:30 AM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 30s at the start, at least 40 by the finish
Equipment Brooks Cascadia 9, Ultimate Direction SJ Ultra Vest 2.0, Garmin Fenix 2
Clothing Injinji Run Original Weight Mini-Crew, Patagonia Capilene boxer briefs, Patagonia Capilene knickers, Craft Active Classic Long Sleeve Baselayer, Patagonia wind front Capilene shirt, SmartWool cap, Patagonia Capilene gloves

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