20 January 2015

core | Fleet Feet run | walk

Made it to the gym this morning and had a pretty good core workout. Nice.

The Fleet Feet Sports Seattle Tuesday night run on the other hand felt terrible. I was so winded and going up the Howe Street stairs...! I suspect it's that dreaded day-after feeling. Having done stairs yesterday and having done nothing else, my muscles were still super full of lactic acid.

On the upside Bradlaugh Robinson showed up for his second run of the day and was looking to go easy so we hung together and chatted. It was great to catch up.

I'm also sleeping better (and more). Bonus.

Sleep 7
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 49
Body Weight 6:15 AM - 186 lb.
Body Fat  
Nutrition core - water
Time of Day core - 5:30 AM
run - 6:00 PM
Workout Type  
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
twisters 50 each side - 15 lb.
leg extensions 100
back extensions 3 x 40
hip raisers 2 x 30 each leg
fire hydrants 60 each side
side leg lifts 80 each side
clam knee lifts 80 each side
roman chair knee lifts 50
push-ups 15/15/10
wobble disk 3 min each leg
Time core - 45 min
Equipment run - Brooks Glycerin 12, Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp
Clothing run - The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks Equilibrium CoRe Short, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Craft Active Classic Long Sleeve Baselayer, Brooks short sleeve EZ T III

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