13 February 2015

core | run | Flying Lion 5

Nice! Managed two real road runs today for the first time in quite a while.

The weather was spectacular. When I headed out at lunch I didn't have the confidence to just wear a short sleeve shirt so grabbed an undershirt too... I didn't need it. I could have left all my shirts at home in fact. What a great day, what a sad winter.

For the first time I ran to (and from) the Flying Lion Brewing run. In this weather it's pretty fun but boy was I tired going home.

The run itself was great. We stayed together until we got close to The Wing (FLB5) and then the fast group took off.

ASIDE - these guys have really taken Strava to heart.

I took a wrong turn again but this time went a tad long whereas last time I cut the course short. Oh well. At least I had some company in "Paul" who lives on the east side and drove all the way over here just to do this run! He was super nice, here's hoping he comes back.

Brett brought some homemade beat/red velvet cupcakes which he shared after the run, the some kind of 'boiled milk' frosting. Delicious! I really wanted a beer too but knew that would deep six my run home so reluctantly left while everyone was enjoying their pints.

For the first time in quite a while I could feel my Sartorius when I started my second run. Ouch. Luckily it went away as I warmed up and didn't bother me again. This sure is taking a long time to heal up and I'm getting just a little tired of always being at 80-90%. I know, throw me a pity party already.

Sleep 6
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 45
Body Weight 6:00 AM - 184 lb.
Body Fat  
Nutrition core - water
lunch run - large bottle w/2 scoops Hammer HEED
evening runs - large bottle w/2 scoops Perpetuem
Recovery post lunch run - Hammer Recovery Bar
Time of Day core - 5:15 AM
lunch run - 1:30 PM
evening run - 5:30 PM
Workout Type  
Weather 60 degrees, sunny, dry, calm
plank 3 min, 2 min each side
twisters 50 each side - 15 lb.
leg extensions 100
back extensions 3 x 40
hip raisers 2 x 30 each leg
fire hydrants 60 each side
side leg lifts 80 each side
clam knee lifts 80 each side
roman chair knee lifts 50
push-ups 20/14/12
wobble disk 3 min each leg
Time core - 45 min
Equipment runs - Brooks Glycerin 12, Ultimate Direction SJ Ultra Vest 2.0
Clothing runs - The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks Equilibrium CoRe Short, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Craft Active Extreme Short Sleeve Baselayer, Brooks Podium SS shirt

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