15 February 2015

Discovery Park

I wanted to go for a local run but didn't want to be on roads. The answer? Discovery Park. Little did I know that everyone else and their dog (literally) had the same game plan.

I did three loops and dropped down to the north beach on the 3rd and then ran up from the lighthouse. That climb is awesome!

I felt really slow. I know I am supposed to be going slow these days but still, it now feels like my heart is hammering when it hits 140 bpm, this can't be good? I guess I should try some intervals and see how that feels.

The weather was fantastic. Great for running but not for keeping other people indoors. :)

Sleep 7
Waking HR 7:00 AM - 46
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Nutrition 30 min prior to run - Hammer Bar
run - large bottle w/2 scoops Hammer HEED
Recovery large bottle w/3 scoops Recoverite
Time of Day 1:30 PM
Workout Type  
Weather mid 50s, sunny, dry, some wind
Equipment Brooks Cascadia 10, Ultimate Direction Handy 20
Clothing The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, long sleeve SRC shirt

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