03 February 2015

Howe Street stairs | Fleet Feet run | walk

Dear Howe Street stairs, where would I be without you? You have helped me recover from injury, you have helped me build fortitude, you have cemented the bonds of friendship and yet I am not sorry to say, "See you later!" as I log the last official stair workout of the winter.

I was talking to Jim Kodjababian after we finished up today and we agreed that we have been out here for about nine or 10 years! That's something. Every year kicks my ass and every year we come back for more. That's something else...

This winter we got lucky and there were no epic rain or ice days. Of course the skiing has correspondingly sucked big time but I guess there is a silver lining in almost everything.

I didn't do any warm-up flights today, after last week I was a little worried about blowing myself up and having it affect my run at the Orcas Island 50k Saturday but hey, 15 flights is still not shabby. And after the usual torture that is the first couple of runners I felt pretty good today. Nice.

After work I headed up to Fleet Feet Sports Seattle for their weekly Tuesday night run and again tried to keep the effort under 140 bpm. I failed. Not just because my heart rate spikes insanely at the beginning of every exercise session but also because I did not slow down quite enough on the Interlaken hill. People were passing me and I guess I sped up just a little too much. :( I did keep it under 146 at least.

I felt the hint of a twinge in my left hip but otherwise everything was fine.

Sleep 7
Waking HR 4:30 AM - 44
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Nutrition stairs - large bottle w/2 scoops Hammer HEED
Time of Day stairs - 5:45 AM
run - 6:00 PM
Workout Type  
Weather stairs/run - upper 40s, dry, calm
Course stairs - Howe Street
run - winter loop (I skipped the stairs today)
Distance stairs - 15.5 flights
Equipment stairs - Brooks Glycerin 11
run - Brooks Glycerin 12
Clothing stairs - The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Brooks Podium LS shirt
run - The Balanced Athlete Fitsok CF2, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short, Brooks Podium LS shirt, Brooks short sleeve EZ T III

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