27 July 2013

Melakwa Lake, Pratt Lake trail run


Today was a fantastic day. I got to do an incredible route with great company on a super day and in spite of feeling tired I did all right. I hooked up with Daniel Paquette and we ran from the Pratt Lake trailhead to the Denny Creek campground and then up to Malakwa Lake, over To Pratt Lake and then back down to the car.

Since we started late the trails were pretty crowded but we still found sections that were secluded. And we WENT FOR A SWIM IN AN ALPINE LAKE! Man did that feel good as it came a bit past the half way point at Lower Tuscohatchie Lake. And the water temperature was perfect. I felt like I was some sort of super field trip.

Today would have been an awesome day for a camera but I opted for the minimalist approach and left all my gear and shirt in the car taking just two hand-held bottles. Just doing that was a blast. I love being out in the wilderness with a minimum of equipment.

On the way to the run we saw fire on Mt. Si and on the way home I saw this burned out RV. Yikes.

I'm thinking this RV has seen better days.

Neither Dan nor I had an agenda for the day so we hiked when we needed to, talked a lot, ran a bit faster when it felt right and soaked up the sun.

I forgot how rocky the climb on this loop is and how much of a groomer the descent is by comparison. if you are feeling good you can hauls some serious ass back to the car. I sped up a little here but didn't have the motivation or the energy to go nuts.

All my interactions with hikers were super pleasant except for one. With perhaps two miles to go I was flying down the trail and passed a young man and woman on a narrow, wooden bridge section of trail. The wood was not wide enough for us to totally avoid each other but I turned sideways as much as I could. The guy who was in front didn't turn at all.

We brushed shoulders.

"Why don't you slow the fuck down buddy...?!"

"Sorry." I said. To which he replied with more fuck or fucking or some such thing. At this point I stopped, turned around and said, "Hey, I'm really sorry, are you okay?" He just kept walking but his girlfriend(?) turned toward me and gave me the he's-pissed-off-and-has-too-much-testosterone-in-his-system-and-it-will-be-okay wave and look. I smiled at her and got on with my run.

People are funny.

I'm so pumped to be able to run three hours up and down hills just two days after riding RAMROD! No speed records were set but it didn't matter! I had a fantastic time. Thanks for the company Dan.

Sleep 7
Waking HR  
Body Weight  
Body Fat  
Workout Food 2 large bottles each w/1 scoop HEED and 1 tablet Nuun, 3 GUs
Time of Day 11:00 AM
Workout Type endurance
Weather low 80s, sunny, dry, calm
Time 3:14
Distance 18 miles
Equipment Hoka Stinson Evo, Garmin Fenix
Clothing Injinji Run Original Weight Mini-Crew, Brooks 5" Essential Run Short
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